There is so much to love here! Especially number six: Be contrarian. I'll be revisiting this post to chase through your abundance of resource links!! I'm thrilled to be your latest subscriber!

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Hi Kati, Thank you for your very warm comment and subscribing. I will do my best to share interesting and useful content. Happy New Year (for tomorrow). Cheers, Phil…

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Phil Martin


I've recently contemplated doing this, taking all of the ideas I've come up with in the past, and any new ideas I may have, and simply publishing them. Given my technology background all of my past ideas have been held close, with the expectation that they should be protected and monetized.

But I've recently realized two things: 1) I wasn't utilizing OR monetizing these gifts of insight, simply hoarding them, and 2) our current global communication capabilities, especially peer to peer via social media, is the perfect modality for sharing. The only thing I haven't decided on yet is the channel/s (web site, FB/LI/X, or all of the above), or the medium (application, templates and presentation) to manage updates and conversations.

Your thoughts appreciated!


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Hi Jeff, I think the key thing is to see if you can find and talk with target customers. You may decide to build an MVP to help in that discussion. I think you will find many of my posts can help shape your approach, including the attached. I wish you well and thanks for posting your comment. Cheers, Phil… https://abitgamey.substack.com/p/finding-our-initial-customers

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Phil Martin

Good resource Phil. I think my strategy shift is away from trying to "sell" my ideas within their intended markets. I originally started on that route, finding partners, building out solution frameworks (in one significant case trying to fund/build an MVP on my own), developing the supporting business cases, researching the companies capable of supporting/offering those solutions into their market, and launching outreach programs to them. What I found is that it is very expensive, very difficult to reach the right resources, and that I mostly failed in those efforts.

Going forward, and instead of trying to pick, package, and distribute the fruit of my ideas for consumption, and possible monetization, I want to offer them to others to "pick" for free. To facilitate the exposure of my ideas in a collaborative process of evaluation (go/no-go), refinement, evolution, and possible development.


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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Phil Martin

Lovely, never thought it this way, even though I do this already on an ad-hoc basis. I like the idea of making it a habit to function our brains better and not restriction our mind to just 1-2 ideas but 10 ideas a day which gives enough syllabus for the brain to utilize and come up with some creative outputs. We should create an 'Idea Time' in the calendar to do all such creative thinking the same day every day.

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Thanks, Bhavin. I was very moved by James Altucher‘s story. It struck me as a powerful habit to adopt. Cheers, Phil…

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